Saturday, February 3, 2007

Slosh & Freeze

Right now our weather is on the warm side for this time of year. Last Friday, we had record warm temperatures in the 40's. Lots of sun today so it felt like spring is just around the corner...but we can't get too hopeful. This is still early February.

But we scooped the poop off the snow today, worked on fence repair and kissed a few noses. No riding today, as one of the gang has a shoe off, and we have some icy conditions.

As we did our barn work, I thought about the first blog I wrote, just a few weeks ago as a "guest blogger" for my daughter, Jerri. I wrote about watering your horses in cold weather. That is such an important topic because a good water supply is so vital to a horse's good health -- summer or winter.

Let's revisit that blog by hopping over to Jerri's site and checking out the best practices that I have found for keeping your horse hydrated in cold temperatures, with a few side bar comments about horse keeping in cold weather.